
The "Shop" application template provides you with an online shop with basic functionalities and workflows.

Users with the "User" role

After the import and when using the sample data, the application is configured in such a way that every portal user ("User" role) can order articles. In the process, the user goes through the ordering processes familiar from e-commerce, such as adding an item to the shopping cart or deleting an order.

The actions of a user with the "User" role are described in the following sections:

Users with the "Manager" role

Users with the "Manager" role are responsible for the "back-end activities" of the shop. Among other things, they can add or delete new items in the shop. They can view and edit the status of orders.

The actions of a user with the "Manager" role are described in the following sections:

Users with the "Administrator" role

The "Administrator " role is a role that generally exists in Intrexx.

Users with the "Administrator" role can define the currency used in the store. In addition, they can specify whether the prices are displayed in the store or not.

The actions of a user with the "Administrator" role are described in the following sections: