Connector for OData – Use in processes

Data from the OData service can also be accessed through processes. We distinguish between the following scenarios:

Use as an interactive user

A process is initiated by any arbitrary data record event and then the corresponding actions are started. In this case, the process can only access the OData authentication information from the current Intrexx user.

Use with timer events

In the case of timer events, there are no interactive users. In this case, a dialog can be used to select a predefined user in whose user context the further workflow actions are performed.

User selection

If the Process Manager has recognized the selected data group as a connection to an OData service, a user can then be defined in this dialog. The context of the selected user is used to perform the queries.

Default user from portal settings

If no specific user is selected, this option automatically uses the user who is defined in the portal properties.

Static users

Use this option to select an Intrexx user by clicking on "Select user". Please note that the OData configuration has to contain a valid mapping for this user.

User from system value

With the option "User from system value", the system value must contain a user GUID. Please note that the SAP configuration has to contain a valid user mapping for this user. The user switch action can be used to change the user during the process. If a static user has been assigned both within the data group and the process, then the user in the data group always has priority.

A user who publishes a process with a user switch action must have adequate permissions. Normally, the user will have these by belonging to the "Administrators" user group.

More information


System requirements

Consume data

Provide data

Integration in applications

Expert settings
