Date adjustment

With date adjustments, date values can be dynamically increased or decreased in relation to the current date. The following values are allowed, where X corresponds to an arbitrary integer:

Year-X removes X years from the current date; +X adds X years to the current date.

Month-X removes X months from the current date; +X adds X months to the current date. If X is not a valid month (example: 34), the month will be set to 12.

Day-X removes X days from the current date; +X adds X days to the current date.

If the day has the value 1, the first day of the month will be entered. If the day is set to 0, the last day of the previous month will be used. If the month has the value +1 and the day has the value 0 the last day of the current month will be used. Hours, minutes, and seconds can likewise be adjusted in regard to the current time, as long as the control type "date and time" or "time" is used. If an integer number without negative or positive signs is entered, the hour (or minute or second) will be set to the corresponding value. If all data records within a specific time frame should be returned, a filter must be defined with an AND link. So, for example, the filter expression to deliver all appointments for the current day should read as follows:

AppointmentStart < Systemvalue today (with time)
Date adjustment: Day + 1, Hour 0, Minute 0, Second 0
AppointmentEnd > Systemvalue today (with time)
Date adjustment: Hour 0, Minute 0, Second 0