Add website in IIS

Step-by-step guide

To add a new website in IIS, please proceed as follows:

  1. Select the menu item "Sites" in the "Navigation" area on the left.

  2. Click on "Add Website" in the "Navigation" area on the right.

    The "Add Website" dialog will open.

  3. In the drop-down list, select "https".

    The "SSL Certificate" drop-down list will now appear in the dialog.



    Site name

    Enter a name for the website here.

    We recommend giving the site name and hostname the same name. When you create or configure a new portal, the site name defined here will be available in the Intrexx portal properties under "Front-end web server (reverse proxy / load balancer)> IIS website".

    Physical path

    Enter the directory that the website should be saved in. As a rule, this is: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot"


    Select "https".

    IP address

    Select "All Unassigned".



    Host name

    Enter the name that should be used to access the portal in the browser, e.g. "exampleportal". The assignment of a host name is mandatory. You must store the host name entered here later in the Intrexx portal properties as part of the base URL.

    SSL certificate

    Select the SSL certificate that should be used for the encrypted connection between your portal and the browser.

  4. Click on "OK". You will be taken back to the overview of created websites.
    You have created a new website.

    Remove X-Powered-By header after setting up the website

    We recommend removing the X-Powered-By header after setting up the website.

    To do this, select the web page and double-click on "HTTP response header".

    Select the header(s) () and then click on "Remove" ().