Assign landmarks with ARIA roles in the layout

ARIA landmark roles provide an effective way to identify the design and structure of portal and application pages. By classifying and labeling sections of a page, these roles allow structural information conveyed visually by the layout to be represented programmatically. Screen readers use landmark roles to allow keyboard navigation in important sections of a page. Landmark regions can also be used as destinations for "skip links" and by browser extensions for improved keyboard navigation.

The following image represents a sample landmark structure for a portal or application page.

Preconfigured landmarks in the Accessible Layout in Intrexx

In the Accessible Layout in Intrexx, key landmarks are already preconfigured. These include "banner", "navigation" and "main".

Step-by-step guide

You can check or change the preconfigured landmarks. You can also specify landmarks for each structural element.

  1. Open the accessible Intrexx layout in the "Design" module.

  2. Activate the tree view.

  3. Select the element.

    In the section Element Settings, the landmark is displayed in the "Role" selection field.




  4. Select any structural element and choose the landmark you want in the "Role" selection field in the section Element Settings.

More information

Landmark Regions