
Filter condition

With a filter condition, you can decide which subsequent process steps should be performed for example for an investment request, if the investment costs are under €150.

A filter condition must be connected appropriately to the output of a process element whose result is to be filtered and passed to the input of another process element. A condition is completely and correctly connected, once a connection is made to both of these elements.

When you create the connection arrow to the following process element, a dialog opens automatically in which you can define whether the following process step should

  • always

  • if the condition is true

  • if the condition is false

be executed.

The branch with the condition "Always" is always processed last.

Groovy script condition

To be able to structure Intrexx applications even more flexibly, you have the ability to integrate Groovy scripts into your processes. Groovy is considered to be better integrated than most other script languages on the Java Virtual Machine. Existing libraries or Groovy objects and classes in Java can be used easily.

Generic condition

The generic condition will also be used like a filter condition in the process, but the filter conditions stem from Intrexx classes or classes from third parties.

More information

For more information, see the Java classes in process objects page in the Conditions section.