This is what a feedback survey might look like

Seven different question types are available for a feedback survey.

Question types

Below you will find a description of each of these and how they might be presented in a feedback survey.

Do you have a laptop?

Decision question (yes/no)

For the "decision question", the respondent can answer "Yes" or "No" only. "Yes" is symbolized with a thumbs up and "No" with a thumbs down icon.

How comfortable do you find your laptop?

Rating scale

For the "Rating scale" question, the respondent can give a rating between 0 and 5 stars.

Which device do you prefer?

Simple selection

For the "Single choice" question, the respondent can select one of several text options ("single choice").

As an editor, you are free to define the number of options.

Which devices do you prefer?

Simple image selection

For the "Simple image selection" question, the respondent can select one of several pictures ("Single Choice").

As an editor, you are free to define the number of images.

Which device would you like to use?

Multiple choice

For the "multiple choice" question, the respondent can select several or all of several text options.

As an editor, you are free to define the number of options.

Which devices would you like to use?

Multiple image selection

For the "multiple image selection" question, the respondent can select several or all of several images ("multiple choice").

Please let us know why you like working with your favorite device.

Open text

For the "Open text" question, the respondent can formulate an answer freely in a text field.