
The "Slider" element is one of the basic controls. Different data sources can be used as the values of the slider and these are described below.

The values of the slider can be saved using a corresponding button.

The slider element can be found in the "Applications" module in the "Elements" area. A new slider can be created by dragging & dropping the element from here and positioning it in the workspace.

Click here for more information on creating the element.

The properties dialog of a slider opens automatically when a new slider is created. The properties dialog of an existing slider can be opened by double-clicking the element on the workspace, via the "Properties" context menu, or via the "Edit / Properties" main menu, if the element is selected in the workspace.

In principle, the slider behaves like the "Selection list" and "Listbox" elements. Only the handling in the browser is different. Consequently, you can find the help for the slider properties in the help for the selection list or using the F1 key in the respective pages or tabs of the properties dialog.